Core Team

Dr Ankur Jindal has completed his MBBS in 2008 with 1 gold medal and 3 certificates of honors and finished his MD Internal Medicine from PGIMER, Chandigarh in 2011. Completed DM in Hepatology from ILBS in 2014. He has the capability and skills of performing both upper and lower GI diagnostic and ERCPs. He also had experience in hepatic hemodynamics including Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient measurement and transjugular liver biopsies.

He is presently working as Associate Professor of Hepatology and Liver transplantation at ILBS. His areas of interest are Viral Hepatitis, Portal hypertension, and Hepatorenal syndrome. He has publications in leading journals including New England Journal of Medicine, GUT, Endoscopy, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Liver International in 2016.

In addition to the above, Dr. Ankur Jindal is also PI for both ECHO & PRAKASH project and has been a great support and mentor to the team. He has been providing much needed scientific guidance on regular basis for successful implementation of the program at national level. He has been one of the key note speakers in the trainings conducted for medical professionals on viral hepatitis and other liver diseases since 2016.

Mr. Arun Prakash is working with ILBS for past 12+ years in administration department. He is currently looking after the duties as Assistant Manager (Admin) & Senior Program Officer (Projects) at ILBS. During his working journey of 21 years, he has served his expertise in many healthcare government institutions like GTB Hospital, Delhi, Directorate of Health Services, Delhi, Ministry of Health, Uttarakhand etc. He has also worked in healthcare project SCOVA aided by World Bank aimed at training of healthcare workers at grass root level in the state of Uttarakhand.

At ILBS, he is at the forefront of aligning the requirements of all public health projects including PRAKASH with the government rules and regulations along-with smoothening of processes, approvals for various activities required on day to day basis. It is with his continued support in administrative capacity that the projects are successfully implemented in the entire country.

Ms. Akanksha Bansal has over 15 years of experience in successful management of several CSR projects. She has been working in ILBS since 2016 and is successfully managing 3 public healthcare projects at national level named ECHO, PRAKASH & LEAD.

She has played a key role in successful implementation and has anticipated and managed programmatic issues over the years and subsequently able to leverage lessons learned from past experiences. She also carried the responsibility for the successful delivery of the proposed activities, implementation of the project’s objectives and management of their inter-dependencies. She is the key person for continuation and coordination of the projects with the funding agencies for regular updates, reporting and fund acquisition. She has worked in some of the prestigious organisations like CRY, Smile Foundation & Novartis India etc.

It is with her dedication and commitment that the projects have successfully trained over 18,000 healthcare workers across 700 healthcare institutions in all 31 states and UTs of the country. She has over 15 publications to her credit in national and international journal of repute.

Mr. Ashish Kumar has over 13 years of experience in administrative and human resource work including data base management of employees, maintenance and updating of records, processing of inter-departmental approvals, travel booking of staff, maintaining coordination with banks etc.

At ILBS, he looks after departmental administrative procedures including co-ordination for trainings, inter-departmental processing of files and approvals etc. He also manages general activities related to participants enrolment, registration and other needed communication. Additionally, manages the co-ordination with HR, Finance, Purchase & IT department for various requirements during trainings.

Mr. Arpit Kumar is a technical expert with more than 5 years of experience in quality control for data collection and reports, creation of communication collaterals on various designing software’s etc. He has worked with some of the prestigious institutions like National Health Resource Repository & Tandem data Processing Ltd.

At ILBS, he carries the responsibility of information technology supportive activities like relay of online sessions through ZOOM, designing of various communication collaterals like certificates, modules, reports, brochures, IEC material related to the projects. He also aids in providing additional support for trainings as well as involved in data sorting and cleaning of the collected information, calling to participants for submission of pre-& post test and trouble shooting etc.