
There are many challenges to prevent and eradicate viral hepatitis from the country. Health professionals in the country needs to join hands towards achieving the target of viral hepatitis elimination by 2030, a global call for action by WHO.

Project PRAKASH (PRogrammed Approach to Knowledge And Sensitization on Hepatitis), has been conceptualised and a delivery mechanism has been formalised so that comprehensive knowledge sharing among technical experts from ILBS and healthcare professionals across India could be done at a common platform.

The 3 major components of the project PRAKASH are:

Training of HCWs

The project aims at achieving below mentioned goals at the end of the program:

  • Creating awareness among in-service healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians in management of viral hepatitis and to promote best practices while managing patients of viral hepatitis.
  • Tracking the progress made on the training imparted and to create a model towards awareness and training for healthcare providers.
  • To strengthen the role of healthcare workers by supporting the medical organizations within the sector to develop, deliver and evaluate education on blood-borne viruses as well as health professionals working in the field of viral hepatitis.
  • To create a healthcare communal stage to discuss on need, methods and ways to minimize burden of viral hepatitis in the country.
  • To increase vaccination of hepatitis B among healthcare workers by providing appropriate knowledge and support from government agencies.
  • To increase infection prevention awareness among healthcare workers in blood banks, laboratories so as to decrease the risk of percutaneous injuries.