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PRogrammed Approach to Knowledge And Sensitization on Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis is a major public health problem in need of an urgent response

Viral hepatitis caused 1.34 million deaths in 2019, a number comparable to deaths caused by tuberculosis and higher than those caused by HIV. However, the number of deaths due to viral hepatitis is increasing over time, while mortality caused by tuberculosis and HIV is declining. Most viral hepatitis deaths in 2019 were due to chronic liver diseases like hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cancer (8,20,000 deaths due to hepatitis B and 2,90,000 deaths due to hepatitis C). Globally, in 2019, an estimated 296 million people were living with chronic HBV infection, and 58 million people with chronic HCV infection.

The road to elimination by 2030 requires a comprehensive public health approach taken to scale.

A strategic information system based on surveillance and programme data is needed to direct policy change and implementation. Second, service coverage of testing and treatment needs to be rapidly scaled up. Third, hepatitis services need to be delivered through a public health approach to benefit all. Fourth, sustainable financing is required to enable universal health coverage, the overarching framework for health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Fifth, innovations are necessary; new diagnostics, treatments, cure and vaccines need to be developed, tested and delivered urgently to transform the hepatitis response and attain the elimination targets.

As per a study conducted by WHO, an estimated 4.5 million premature deaths due to viral hepatitis could be prevented in low- and middle-income countries by 2030 through vaccination, diagnostic tests, medicines and education campaigns.

WHO’s global hepatitis strategy, endorsed by all WHO Member States, aims to reduce new hepatitis infections by 90% and deaths by 65% between 2016 and 2030.

To achieve the elimination or reduction of viral hepatitis by 2030, strategic training of healthcare professionals is a key step.

To be a factor in achievement of global standards in viral hepatitis, ILBS along with Cipla Foundation, established project PRAKASH in 2017 with an aim to strengthen healthcare care system by upskilling patient management skills of in-service healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses and laboratory technicians) in management of viral hepatitis. The two components of the program – Hepatitis Induction Program & Hepatitis Update Program are made available for all level of healthcare workers. The program is in line with National Viral Hepatitis Control Program which uses both, the traditional cascade model of training and other platforms like e-learning and virtual classroom techniques. PRAKASH is an integrated initiative for prevention and control of viral hepatitis in India which would further contribute in achieving sustainable development goal (3.3) which aims to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030.

The second phase of the project will focus on training, education & increase in vaccination against Hepatitis.


The project aims to initiate trainings for healthcare professionals in a manner:

  • to enable them in becoming Master Trainers. These Master Trainers will help in creating a taskforce capable of managing viral hepatitis patients on their own.
  • to continue conducting virtual trainings for healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses and laboratory professionals) in diagnosis, prevention and management of viral hepatitis.


The program aims to award institutions as ‘Viral Hepatitis Champions’ who achieve at least a minimum of 90% vaccination status among HCWs working in their institute and have a strong set of compliance towards infection prevention and control practices.

Healthcare staff completing vaccine schedule will be awarded certificate duly recognized by ILBS & WHOCC.

Information, Education & Communication (IEC)

IEC is an effective medium for bringing awareness, providing information, eradicating mythical beliefs, and championing the cause for health and development. In the health sector, IEC plays a pivotal role in spreading awareness and taking preventive measures.

Project aims at creating IEC for display across healthcare institutions in blood banks, OPDs, patient wards, laboratories to create awareness regarding viral hepatitis along with universal precaution guidelines.


The project aims at achieving below mentioned goals at the end of the program:

  • Creating awareness among healthcare professionals in management of viral hepatitis and to promote best practices while managing patients of viral hepatitis.
  • Tracking the progress made on the training imparted and to create a model towards awareness and training for healthcare providers.
  • To strengthen the role of doctors and nurses by supporting the medical organizations within the sector to develop, deliver and evaluate education on blood-borne viruses as well as health professionals working in the field of viral hepatitis.
  • To create a healthcare communal stage to discuss on need, methods and ways to minimize burden of viral hepatitis in the country.